Thursday, October 9, 2014

Circuit Training: What is it and How Can You Benefit From It

Circuit training incorporates a series of exercises until you "complete the circuit" before beginning the sequence again. For example, you might do an upper body exercise like pull ups, followed by a lower body exercise like squats, followed by a full body exercise like jumping jacks. Since your heart rate remains at a relatively high rate during the entire circuit, you will get a high quality workout that will give you results faster. You get the advantages of strength training and the benefit of cardio.

Circuit exercising is performed for increasing the body resistance with resistance training and aerobics that is aimed at fat loss and muscle building. This type of training is ideal for home workouts and may include such exercises as skipping rope, dumbbells, physio balls, and weight training machines. They do not occupy much space and could be stored even in cupboards.

 Includes both weight training and cardio 

Circuit training involves performing different exercises such as squats and push ups without taking a long break in between them. With circuit training your breaks in between exercises should only be 5 seconds long. If you have to take a longer break, be sure to walk around and keep moving and keep the break to only 15 20 seconds. Circuit training is a great way to tone muscles while getting an excellent cardio workout for your body. Adding weighted exercises helps to increase the fat burning power of circuit training. These quick workouts can be done in less than 30 minutes if you plan them properly.

Circuit training is a type of super set

Where you link one exercise to the next in succession. You move from one exercise to the next and to the next without rest. You can link as many moves together as you like. If you want to shed belly fat, when constructing a circuit training routine remember to combine both strength and cardiovascular training elements. For instance your can assemble a circuit where stations involve exercise machines, hydraulic equipment, hand held weights, elastic resistance, or calisthenics. In between each station you should force yourself with some type of aerobics such as jogging for 1 to 3 minutes between each circuit. Typically circuit training sessions last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes with a variety of different exercise.

In conclusion

The key to creating the optimal hormonal environment for fat loss is to perform each exercise with maximal intensity while separated by brief rest periods in order to accumulate a high volume of total body work in the shortest amount of time possible. Circuit training provides for the best of both worlds and is thus simply unmatched for simultaneously maximizing fat loss and lean muscle gain.

Maximizing your metabolic workout 

Work at an intense level and keep the rest periods short. You will accumulate a high volume of total body work in the shortest amount of time possible. Circuit training provides for the best of both worlds and is simply unmatched for simultaneously maximizing fat loss and lean muscle gain.

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